11882 rank

454,489 points

1,045 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
St. Brown Eyes   
Sinerania 4741 St. Brown Eyes 15,189,512 17,015
St. Brown Eyes    Neighbors
Greifental 10941 St. Brown Eyes Neighbors 900,280 1,019
St. Brown Eyes    Wytches Brew
Arvahall 15152 St. Brown Eyes Wytches Brew 643,453 1,673
St. Brown Eyes   
Fel Dranghyr 12299 St. Brown Eyes 587,723 1,447
St. Brown Eyes    America
Tuulech 11285 St. Brown Eyes America 499,271 1,001
St. Brown Eyes   
Qunrir 11882 St. Brown Eyes 454,489 1,045
St. Brown Eyes   
Parkog 11737 St. Brown Eyes 436,119 1,127
St. Brown Eyes   
Rugnir 12139 St. Brown Eyes 415,716 1,042
St. Brown Eyes    Starfleet
Noarsil 12173 St. Brown Eyes Starfleet 402,584 1,307
St. Brown Eyes    The Rage Within
Uceria 12474 St. Brown Eyes The Rage Within 377,371 1,017