1603 rank

169,081,467 points

40,654 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Thorvald the Wise   
Qunrir 1603 Thorvald the Wise 169,081,467 40,654
Thorvald the Wise   
Langendorn 1612 Thorvald the Wise 166,116,535 53,279
Thorvald the Wise    The Stoop
Vingrid 6298 Thorvald the Wise The Stoop 8,128,898 3,971
Thorvald the Wise    Just Chillin n S
Sinerania 9554 Thorvald the Wise Just Chillin n S 1,119,488 904
Thorvald the Wise   
Uceria 10671 Thorvald the Wise 735,440 836
Thorvald the Wise   
Zorskog 10733 Thorvald the Wise 553,581 978
Thorvald the Wise    Stranger Things
Odhrorvar 11453 Thorvald the Wise Stranger Things 431,206 1,028