8231 rank

2,650,631 points

4,037 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Seleukus 248 the Red   
Uceria 5194 Seleukus 248 the Red 15,447,943 15,468
Seleukus 248 the Red    Bobcats
Qunrir 8231 Seleukus 248 the Red Bobcats 2,650,631 4,037
Seleukus 248 the Red   
Rugnir 8507 Seleukus 248 the Red 2,223,971 4,289
Seleukus 248 the Red   
Tuulech 8773 Seleukus 248 the Red 1,602,965 1,543
Seleukus 248 the Red    Renegade Legion
Odhrorvar 9060 Seleukus 248 the Red Renegade Legion 1,520,877 3,040
Seleukus 248 the Red    Pheonix Knights
Houndsmoor 10851 Seleukus 248 the Red Pheonix Knights 1,351,477 1,672
Seleukus 248 the Red    shadow of the moon
Brisgard 12767 Seleukus 248 the Red shadow of the moon 974,943 736
Seleukus 248 the Red    Guild of Wolves
Dunarsund 12167 Seleukus 248 the Red Guild of Wolves 854,560 1,323
Seleukus 248 the Red    the Shadow garden
Cirgard 14165 Seleukus 248 the Red the Shadow garden 341,268 766