12258 rank

318,561 points

131 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Aries the just    Bloodmoon
Cirgard 4251 Aries the just Bloodmoon 32,696,485 7,754
Aries the just    bloodmoon
Korch 12222 Aries the just bloodmoon 454,049 207
Aries the just    The Ring Wraiths
Qunrir 12258 Aries the just The Ring Wraiths 318,561 131
Aries the just    Wargames
Rugnir 12470 Aries the just Wargames 304,087 406
Aries the just    bloodmoon
Langendorn 13001 Aries the just bloodmoon 247,131 44
Aries the just    realm of emperors
Noarsil 12917 Aries the just realm of emperors 236,886 42