3004 rank

60,262,426 points

32,354 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Great King David the 3rd   
Mount Killmore 2514 Great King David the 3rd 95,693,759 81,105
Great King David the 3rd   
Qunrir 3004 Great King David the 3rd 60,262,426 32,354
Great King David the 3rd   
Arvahall 10847 Great King David the 3rd 3,257,781 8,266
Great King David the 3rd    Guild Outcasts
Vingrid 14885 Great King David the 3rd Guild Outcasts 114,262 298
Great King David the 3rd   
Cirgard 17452 Great King David the 3rd 87,762 144