4624 rank

21,440,872 points

15,671 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Pamela of the Valley    Hightower Inn & Spa
Xyr 1888 Pamela of the Valley Hightower Inn & Spa 113,026,458 72,889
Pamela of the Valley   
Odhrorvar 3898 Pamela of the Valley 33,138,144 24,797
Pamela of the Valley   
Parkog 4272 Pamela of the Valley 24,664,171 19,793
Pamela of the Valley   
Qunrir 4624 Pamela of the Valley 21,440,872 15,671
Pamela of the Valley    Associates Inc.
Birka 7210 Pamela of the Valley Associates Inc. 954,961 1,719