10282 rank

916,138 points

561 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
castboy1993    Vendetta
Xyr 6189 castboy1993 Vendetta 8,613,238 2,132
castboy1993    EliteOnes
Brisgard 9082 castboy1993 EliteOnes 3,931,481 1,474
castboy1993    Ladyhawke
Korch 8958 castboy1993 Ladyhawke 2,038,855 843
castboy1993    Freyja’s Peasants
Zorskog 8688 castboy1993 Freyja’s Peasants 1,387,294 786
castboy1993    The Lost Colony
Qunrir 10282 castboy1993 The Lost Colony 916,138 561
castboy1993    Armistice II
East-Nagach 14912 castboy1993 Armistice II 257,975 186