7239 rank

4,840,037 points

5,618 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Foizer    Andagain
Cirgard 6533 Foizer Andagain 10,368,679 5,100
Foizer    πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ ONE NATION
Brisgard 7761 Foizer πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ ONE NATION 8,187,551 6,290
Foizer    Nova Poinex
Carthage 2917 Foizer Nova Poinex 7,548,680 6,138
Foizer    Expeditioners
Xyr 7653 Foizer Expeditioners 4,995,769 8,255
Foizer    Sober Yeti
Qunrir 7239 Foizer Sober Yeti 4,840,037 5,618
Foizer    Diamond Seekers
Yorkton 7467 Foizer Diamond Seekers 3,910,193 4,954
Foizer    Dragonfly
Arvahall 10820 Foizer Dragonfly 3,211,510 4,435
Foizer    πŸŒ™ Moon river
Mount Killmore 9415 Foizer πŸŒ™ Moon river 2,944,805 5,364
Foizer    ~~ ASCENSION ~~
Birka 5554 Foizer ~~ ASCENSION ~~ 2,695,393 3,042
Foizer    Campfire
Fel Dranghyr 9621 Foizer Campfire 1,820,448 1,961
Foizer    The Order
Zorskog 9191 Foizer The Order 1,140,932 1,913
Foizer    The Diamond Mine
East-Nagach 12275 Foizer The Diamond Mine 650,034 2,275
Foizer    House of Dragns
Dilmun 4485 Foizer House of Dragns 570,046 1,853
Foizer    Greater Sasquatch
Noarsil 11809 Foizer Greater Sasquatch 404,286 841