15694 rank

64,304 points

59 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
KLbob222    Big Blue
Arvahall 19724 KLbob222 Big Blue 145,313 131
KLbob222    Winged Lion
Houndsmoor 16390 KLbob222 Winged Lion 139,605 93
KLbob222    Diamonds
Odhrorvar 14212 KLbob222 Diamonds 115,964 59
KLbob222    Risk Takers
Angkor 14277 KLbob222 Risk Takers 109,434 74
KLbob222    Do Nothing Guild
Brisgard 18574 KLbob222 Do Nothing Guild 109,151 117
KLbob222    Animals
Cirgard 17059 KLbob222 Animals 104,412 164
KLbob222    Xno oraclesX
Fel Dranghyr 16191 KLbob222 Xno oraclesX 96,679 161
KLbob222    Tudor dynasty
Jaims 15673 KLbob222 Tudor dynasty 96,244 129
KLbob222    Pirate Moon Bay
Mount Killmore 18097 KLbob222 Pirate Moon Bay 95,022 99
KLbob222    d@dwarriors
Zorskog 15052 KLbob222 d@dwarriors 79,532 82
KLbob222    Damnthisgame
Uceria 15329 KLbob222 Damnthisgame 79,325 103
KLbob222    Judah
Langendorn 15563 KLbob222 Judah 76,944 59
KLbob222    The Exiles
Walstrand 14822 KLbob222 The Exiles 76,351 125
KLbob222    Chillaxin
Xyr 17671 KLbob222 Chillaxin 72,797 78
KLbob222    Canadian kids
Korch 16369 KLbob222 Canadian kids 72,731 59
Noarsil 15483 KLbob222 69,375 117
KLbob222    Diamonds are Forever
East-Nagach 17574 KLbob222 Diamonds are Forever 66,765 70
Qunrir 15694 KLbob222 64,304 59
KLbob222    Mists of Avalon
Dilmun 7815 KLbob222 Mists of Avalon 63,728 46
KLbob222    The Adventurers
Parkog 15719 KLbob222 The Adventurers 60,488 50
KLbob222    Let's have fun
Yorkton 17202 KLbob222 Let's have fun 48,736 34
KLbob222    RAGNAR the beast
Rugnir 16561 KLbob222 RAGNAR the beast 47,687 38
Vingrid 16863 KLbob222 46,610 40
KLbob222    Xpensive Winos
Sinerania 16503 KLbob222 Xpensive Winos 45,205 28
KLbob222    Slotterhouse Crew
Carthage 12225 KLbob222 Slotterhouse Crew 41,787 49
Dunarsund 19684 KLbob222 40,476 50
KLbob222    Igorot Warriors
Tuulech 16500 KLbob222 Igorot Warriors 36,152 47
Greifental 18258 KLbob222 31,177 43
Birka 14718 KLbob222 23,034 56