7551 rank

4,036,087 points

6,727 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Tigerswhvs    Blind Eye
Langendorn 7696 Tigerswhvs Blind Eye 4,094,153 6,889
Tigerswhvs    🌹War of the Roses🌹
Qunrir 7551 Tigerswhvs 🌹War of the Roses🌹 4,036,087 6,727
Tigerswhvs    Warehouse13
Vingrid 7866 Tigerswhvs Warehouse13 3,337,449 6,131
Tigerswhvs    Legacies Never Die
Arvahall 10997 Tigerswhvs Legacies Never Die 2,993,795 5,437