15283 rank

82,324 points

143 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Cyrus 1207 the Noble   
Jaims 10935 Cyrus 1207 the Noble 802,087 784
Cyrus 1207 the Noble    Diamond Farm
Mount Killmore 13675 Cyrus 1207 the Noble Diamond Farm 495,766 406
Cyrus 1207 the Noble    Fire and Ice
Brisgard 15840 Cyrus 1207 the Noble Fire and Ice 306,394 385
Cyrus 1207 the Noble   
Tuulech 12764 Cyrus 1207 the Noble 219,206 296
Cyrus 1207 the Noble   
Langendorn 14130 Cyrus 1207 the Noble 153,767 172
Cyrus 1207 the Noble   
Carthage 9640 Cyrus 1207 the Noble 105,658 146
Cyrus 1207 the Noble   
Qunrir 15283 Cyrus 1207 the Noble 82,324 143