8791 rank

1,874,983 points

2,694 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
jinjrcity    Royal Crowns
Walstrand 6177 jinjrcity Royal Crowns 7,366,081 7,057
jinjrcity    River's Song
Vingrid 7499 jinjrcity River's Song 4,273,218 5,687
jinjrcity    The 3 Kings
Cirgard 8648 jinjrcity The 3 Kings 3,886,756 4,382
jinjrcity    the kingdom of muska
Odhrorvar 7629 jinjrcity the kingdom of muska 3,620,987 4,923
jinjrcity    My peeps
Brisgard 10372 jinjrcity My peeps 2,626,831 3,227
jinjrcity    Dream Catchers
Parkog 8283 jinjrcity Dream Catchers 2,268,883 3,212
jinjrcity    Rapter
Tuulech 8242 jinjrcity Rapter 2,221,408 3,130
jinjrcity    Realm Defenders
Qunrir 8791 jinjrcity Realm Defenders 1,874,983 2,694
jinjrcity    The great one
Arvahall 12473 jinjrcity The great one 1,678,306 3,076
jinjrcity    Deliverers of Death
Langendorn 9205 jinjrcity Deliverers of Death 1,667,781 2,603
jinjrcity    Dulce Periculum
Dunarsund 10728 jinjrcity Dulce Periculum 1,542,605 2,595
jinjrcity    cheese steak
Fel Dranghyr 10164 jinjrcity cheese steak 1,405,144 2,666
jinjrcity    Beer Drinkers Guild
Mount Killmore 11320 jinjrcity Beer Drinkers Guild 1,257,000 1,485
jinjrcity    Misty Mountains
Sinerania 9930 jinjrcity Misty Mountains 961,667 1,670
jinjrcity    Newbs Paradise
Xyr 11375 jinjrcity Newbs Paradise 885,560 1,992
jinjrcity    Seven Seas
Greifental 11490 jinjrcity Seven Seas 697,950 1,342
jinjrcity    Pantomath Guild
East-Nagach 12323 jinjrcity Pantomath Guild 663,960 1,347
jinjrcity    Soon Comes the King!
Houndsmoor 12613 jinjrcity Soon Comes the King! 641,100 1,571