11633 rank

455,043 points

1,050 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Brennius 484 the Fair   
Walstrand 1221 Brennius 484 the Fair 182,528,227 64,985
Brennius 484 the Fair   
Houndsmoor 2445 Brennius 484 the Fair 87,941,499 66,665
Brennius 484 the Fair   
Zorskog 1951 Brennius 484 the Fair 73,246,725 55,918
Brennius 484 the Fair   
Mount Killmore 5809 Brennius 484 the Fair 14,862,705 15,846
Brennius 484 the Fair   
Arvahall 16238 Brennius 484 the Fair 458,778 1,228
Brennius 484 the Fair   
Qunrir 11633 Brennius 484 the Fair 455,043 1,050