6619 rank

6,320,231 points

12,545 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Belinus 431 the Strong    WIZARDS OF WAR
Tuulech 1212 Belinus 431 the Strong WIZARDS OF WAR 193,456,446 150,944
Belinus 431 the Strong    ~Wolverines~
Brisgard 3279 Belinus 431 the Strong ~Wolverines~ 56,898,989 25,438
Belinus 431 the Strong   
Rugnir 6619 Belinus 431 the Strong 6,320,231 12,545
Belinus 431 the Strong   
Xyr 12046 Belinus 431 the Strong 684,384 1,309
Belinus 431 the Strong    Wizards Of War
Carthage 9604 Belinus 431 the Strong Wizards Of War 90,744 484