5157 rank

13,512,062 points

16,401 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
AJ the Incredible    Free Masons
Rugnir 5157 AJ the Incredible Free Masons 13,512,062 16,401
AJ the Incredible    Caddy Shack
Cirgard 6186 AJ the Incredible Caddy Shack 11,500,574 11,969
AJ the Incredible    Outcasts
Xyr 8197 AJ the Incredible Outcasts 3,731,809 1,647
AJ the Incredible    Reapers
Parkog 8361 AJ the Incredible Reapers 2,105,400 1,563
AJ the Incredible    Old People Rule!!!
Mount Killmore 11400 AJ the Incredible Old People Rule!!! 1,188,846 1,097
AJ the Incredible    Chickens with Knives
Dunarsund 11327 AJ the Incredible Chickens with Knives 1,173,970 1,210