15924 rank

67,836 points

330 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
cougarandsam    That_One_Guild
Brisgard 17378 cougarandsam That_One_Guild 174,534 982
cougarandsam    Diamond miner
Rugnir 15924 cougarandsam Diamond miner 67,836 330
cougarandsam    Mongols
Korch 17682 cougarandsam Mongols 47,585 182
cougarandsam    bolts
Cirgard 19771 cougarandsam bolts 40,569 205
cougarandsam    Arya Stark
Xyr 19620 cougarandsam Arya Stark 38,979 203
cougarandsam    The Power Guild
Zorskog 17093 cougarandsam The Power Guild 37,991 106
cougarandsam    EPIC FAIL CREW
Fel Dranghyr 19218 cougarandsam EPIC FAIL CREW 31,952 167
cougarandsam    lin ke
Houndsmoor 20362 cougarandsam lin ke 30,346 183
cougarandsam    Guild for the Lazy
Dunarsund 20800 cougarandsam Guild for the Lazy 29,526 181
cougarandsam    hippiedom
Greifental 18770 cougarandsam hippiedom 28,725 126
cougarandsam    Dying Breed
Angkor 17917 cougarandsam Dying Breed 26,138 171
cougarandsam    Celestial Knights
East-Nagach 20250 cougarandsam Celestial Knights 26,115 172
cougarandsam    A K A
Vingrid 18673 cougarandsam A K A 24,173 93
Parkog 18173 cougarandsam 23,076 167
cougarandsam    Where's My Tardis?
Noarsil 18330 cougarandsam Where's My Tardis? 22,930 75
cougarandsam    Satori
Walstrand 17952 cougarandsam Satori 22,034 83
cougarandsam    Banzai Institute
Qunrir 18586 cougarandsam Banzai Institute 20,029 127