10209 rank

890,732 points

291 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Euclid 662 the Daring    Eagles Nest
Arvahall 13045 Euclid 662 the Daring Eagles Nest 1,292,455 262
Euclid 662 the Daring    Storytellers of Old
Vingrid 9864 Euclid 662 the Daring Storytellers of Old 1,124,322 246
Euclid 662 the Daring    QueenB
Zorskog 9424 Euclid 662 the Daring QueenB 1,015,595 339
Euclid 662 the Daring    Rose
Rugnir 10209 Euclid 662 the Daring Rose 890,732 291