9490 rank

1,313,118 points

1,423 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Kimber Lee the Bold    I’m back! 🥸✋🏻
Yorkton 4967 Kimber Lee the Bold I’m back! 🥸✋🏻 14,642,682 5,813
Kimber Lee the Bold    GOATs
Jaims 7065 Kimber Lee the Bold GOATs 6,507,084 3,222
Kimber Lee the Bold    TFG take two
Mount Killmore 10549 Kimber Lee the Bold TFG take two 1,741,763 1,117
Kimber Lee the Bold   
Rugnir 9490 Kimber Lee the Bold 1,313,118 1,423
Kimber Lee the Bold   
Korch 10075 Kimber Lee the Bold 1,206,129 843