1597 rank

157,816,404 points

32,344 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
brigandoe    THE MAD WARRIORS
Arvahall 1644 brigandoe THE MAD WARRIORS 235,508,462 42,126
brigandoe    Renegade Rum
Qunrir 1629 brigandoe Renegade Rum 164,899,645 31,307
brigandoe    Gadsden Guild
Rugnir 1597 brigandoe Gadsden Guild 157,816,404 32,344
brigandoe    Doom Raiders
Yorkton 1540 brigandoe Doom Raiders 143,542,656 27,983
brigandoe    Wargasm
Uceria 1951 brigandoe Wargasm 121,463,125 23,925