12862 rank

308,291 points

677 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Celidon    Free United Nerds
Cirgard 153 Celidon Free United Nerds 1,121,405,324 202,473
Celidon    Rogue Squadron
Jaims 9483 Celidon Rogue Squadron 1,664,541 2,637
Celidon    NoQuestionsAsked
Fel Dranghyr 10995 Celidon NoQuestionsAsked 970,083 1,148
Celidon    The Diamond Exchange
Uceria 10454 Celidon The Diamond Exchange 897,524 1,733
Celidon    Diamond Exchange
East-Nagach 11768 Celidon Diamond Exchange 834,329 2,154
Celidon    Alvatraz
Walstrand 11150 Celidon Alvatraz 499,230 1,641
Celidon    Chill Guild
Zorskog 11757 Celidon Chill Guild 374,869 1,114
Celidon    **Phoenix Rising**
Xyr 13950 Celidon **Phoenix Rising** 365,846 990
Celidon    The Diamond Exchange
Parkog 12263 Celidon The Diamond Exchange 345,023 575
Celidon    Finrod Felagund- Nom
Houndsmoor 14394 Celidon Finrod Felagund- Nom 342,070 803
Celidon    Round Table
Odhrorvar 12430 Celidon Round Table 328,131 649
Celidon    celtic power
Korch 13305 Celidon celtic power 326,126 770
Celidon    Odd Fellows
Brisgard 15871 Celidon Odd Fellows 322,930 809
Celidon    just4fun
Vingrid 12831 Celidon just4fun 322,477 848
Celidon    The Realm
Rugnir 12862 Celidon The Realm 308,291 677
Celidon    Draconians
Mount Killmore 15403 Celidon Draconians 304,779 626
Celidon    Black Jewels
Yorkton 12942 Celidon Black Jewels 302,096 760
Celidon    Highland Warriors
Tuulech 12504 Celidon Highland Warriors 293,810 555
Celidon    Just to have a guild
Qunrir 12967 Celidon Just to have a guild 288,269 610
Celidon    Gimme Me A Break
Arvahall 17955 Celidon Gimme Me A Break 282,048 1,051
Celidon    Goodfellas
Langendorn 13449 Celidon Goodfellas 254,236 769
Celidon    The Fighting Irish
Sinerania 13279 Celidon The Fighting Irish 248,656 619
Celidon    Storm Riders
Dunarsund 15679 Celidon Storm Riders 239,098 661
Celidon    Goauld
Noarsil 13466 Celidon Goauld 237,556 597
Greifental 14411 Celidon 4MEDICINALUSE 219,937 561
Celidon    Just a Game
Carthage 8102 Celidon Just a Game 148,911 397
Celidon    Salt Water Wine
Birka 10682 Celidon Salt Water Wine 148,813 354
Celidon    Just to keep playin
Angkor 13958 Celidon Just to keep playin 148,671 493