3201 rank

49,248,045 points

6,530 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
TheresNoEscapingIt    Led Zeppelin
Arvahall 1064 TheresNoEscapingIt Led Zeppelin 406,055,547 84,808
TheresNoEscapingIt    hammer of the gods
Brisgard 3151 TheresNoEscapingIt hammer of the gods 70,853,113 9,100
TheresNoEscapingIt    Big dog
Cirgard 2961 TheresNoEscapingIt Big dog 66,898,002 7,341
TheresNoEscapingIt    United Red Dragons
Greifental 3069 TheresNoEscapingIt United Red Dragons 62,085,147 7,129
TheresNoEscapingIt    Nite's Table
Odhrorvar 3035 TheresNoEscapingIt Nite's Table 55,922,073 6,644
TheresNoEscapingIt    Hammer of the gods
Qunrir 3099 TheresNoEscapingIt Hammer of the gods 55,138,610 7,094
Sinerania 3049 TheresNoEscapingIt 52,325,409 6,392
TheresNoEscapingIt    Hammers of the Gods
Rugnir 3201 TheresNoEscapingIt Hammers of the Gods 49,248,045 6,530