6186 rank

8,179,042 points

3,704 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Pocawantas    Driven
Korch 6324 Pocawantas Driven 8,734,567 4,262
Pocawantas    crusty vets
Rugnir 6186 Pocawantas crusty vets 8,179,042 3,704
Pocawantas    Cowboys and Aliens
Houndsmoor 7092 Pocawantas Cowboys and Aliens 8,056,423 3,416
Pocawantas    Fun!
Yorkton 6222 Pocawantas Fun! 7,034,847 4,118
Pocawantas    Lone Wolf Crew
Odhrorvar 6547 Pocawantas Lone Wolf Crew 6,674,742 3,374
Pocawantas    the rangers
Birka 4261 Pocawantas the rangers 6,249,619 3,427