5173 rank

13,448,075 points

6,973 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Aldstig    Lions Pride
Dunarsund 139 Aldstig Lions Pride 1,564,884,369 491,668
Aldstig    Stalk and Kill
Odhrorvar 1594 Aldstig Stalk and Kill 151,019,256 79,428
Aldstig    District X
Jaims 2708 Aldstig District X 65,919,146 83,748
Aldstig    The 4 Horsemen
Brisgard 3685 Aldstig The 4 Horsemen 47,764,481 30,253
Aldstig    Kings Asylum
Greifental 3558 Aldstig Kings Asylum 43,347,760 50,969
Aldstig    New Era
Parkog 3654 Aldstig New Era 32,061,714 28,805
Aldstig    Name Here
Houndsmoor 5070 Aldstig Name Here 20,200,615 6,904
Aldstig    UTOPIA
Arvahall 6995 Aldstig UTOPIA 13,850,605 9,219
Aldstig    Circle of One
Rugnir 5173 Aldstig Circle of One 13,448,075 6,973
Aldstig    Circle of One
Vingrid 18017 Aldstig Circle of One 31,544 22