12433 rank

309,910 points

767 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
ExplorerRoundhead    Guild Kings
Yorkton 10358 ExplorerRoundhead Guild Kings 819,704 1,846
ExplorerRoundhead    GUILD OF CHAMPION's
Jaims 11735 ExplorerRoundhead GUILD OF CHAMPION's 569,455 1,348
East-Nagach 12895 ExplorerRoundhead 498,426 933
Mount Killmore 13721 ExplorerRoundhead 485,104 956
ExplorerRoundhead    Maximus Beauregard
Houndsmoor 13407 ExplorerRoundhead Maximus Beauregard 440,650 795
ExplorerRoundhead    Ye Old Guild
Rugnir 12433 ExplorerRoundhead Ye Old Guild 309,910 767
ExplorerRoundhead    Funky town
Greifental 15634 ExplorerRoundhead Funky town 99,483 209