8395 rank

2,330,740 points

1,170 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
BadMaster31    Masters Club
Houndsmoor 9411 BadMaster31 Masters Club 2,711,977 389
BadMaster31    House of Targaryen
Rugnir 8395 BadMaster31 House of Targaryen 2,330,740 1,170
BadMaster31    Comfortly Numb
Zorskog 7959 BadMaster31 Comfortly Numb 2,196,207 465
BadMaster31    Myself for now
Uceria 8674 BadMaster31 Myself for now 2,116,060 286
BadMaster31    One alone
Sinerania 8396 BadMaster31 One alone 2,080,940 295