5699 rank

9,345,471 points

5,897 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Amitis 1510 the Noble    "Pangea"
East-Nagach 5296 Amitis 1510 the Noble "Pangea" 16,619,318 6,490
Amitis 1510 the Noble    Musketeer's
Dunarsund 5508 Amitis 1510 the Noble Musketeer's 15,620,146 6,609
Amitis 1510 the Noble    Seven Kingdoms
Langendorn 5348 Amitis 1510 the Noble Seven Kingdoms 12,472,634 6,315
Amitis 1510 the Noble    TardisCrew
Cirgard 5810 Amitis 1510 the Noble TardisCrew 12,151,399 6,592
Amitis 1510 the Noble    The Golden Lions
Mount Killmore 6182 Amitis 1510 the Noble The Golden Lions 11,422,586 5,437
Amitis 1510 the Noble    Dandelions
Uceria 5529 Amitis 1510 the Noble Dandelions 10,879,357 4,904
Amitis 1510 the Noble    Jedi
Greifental 5953 Amitis 1510 the Noble Jedi 10,843,857 5,451
Amitis 1510 the Noble    best of the best
Korch 5725 Amitis 1510 the Noble best of the best 10,813,403 4,563
Amitis 1510 the Noble    Campfire
Fel Dranghyr 5933 Amitis 1510 the Noble Campfire 10,710,902 5,894
Amitis 1510 the Noble    Anomalies of the Sun
Birka 3289 Amitis 1510 the Noble Anomalies of the Sun 9,997,245 6,966
Amitis 1510 the Noble    The Cruise Ship
Odhrorvar 5663 Amitis 1510 the Noble The Cruise Ship 9,847,319 4,354
Amitis 1510 the Noble    The Shadow Union
Noarsil 5848 Amitis 1510 the Noble The Shadow Union 9,600,958 5,271
Amitis 1510 the Noble    Clan Rugnir
Rugnir 5699 Amitis 1510 the Noble Clan Rugnir 9,345,471 5,897
Amitis 1510 the Noble    Build&Trade Society
Tuulech 5611 Amitis 1510 the Noble Build&Trade Society 9,339,562 5,076
Amitis 1510 the Noble    castle black
Parkog 5780 Amitis 1510 the Noble castle black 8,964,593 5,149
Amitis 1510 the Noble    roma
Vingrid 5851 Amitis 1510 the Noble roma 8,830,957 4,065
Amitis 1510 the Noble    The daymen
Xyr 6216 Amitis 1510 the Noble The daymen 8,523,154 5,524
Amitis 1510 the Noble    Pax Americana
Qunrir 6354 Amitis 1510 the Noble Pax Americana 7,352,519 3,641
Amitis 1510 the Noble    Fire and Blood
Walstrand 5970 Amitis 1510 the Noble Fire and Blood 6,894,399 3,947
Amitis 1510 the Noble    Oregon Guild
Angkor 5630 Amitis 1510 the Noble Oregon Guild 6,242,056 2,813
Amitis 1510 the Noble    Men of honor
Houndsmoor 8273 Amitis 1510 the Noble Men of honor 4,371,726 3,351
Amitis 1510 the Noble    The Cast Aways
Jaims 10174 Amitis 1510 the Noble The Cast Aways 1,186,052 2,617