4431 rank

22,573,130 points

39,048 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ares the Bold    Knights Templar
Jaims 250 Ares the Bold Knights Templar 1,174,038,752 432,617
Ares the Bold    Wonkaland
Arvahall 3709 Ares the Bold Wonkaland 66,907,447 59,155
Ares the Bold    Wonkaland
Brisgard 3461 Ares the Bold Wonkaland 59,616,294 70,041
Ares the Bold    Wonkaland
Angkor 2660 Ares the Bold Wonkaland 43,950,026 58,501
Ares the Bold    Wonkaland
Carthage 1649 Ares the Bold Wonkaland 23,040,539 35,449
Ares the Bold    Wonkaland
Rugnir 4431 Ares the Bold Wonkaland 22,573,130 39,048
Ares the Bold    Wonkaland
Cirgard 5700 Ares the Bold Wonkaland 15,426,632 29,802
Ares the Bold    Wonkaland
Fel Dranghyr 6094 Ares the Bold Wonkaland 11,535,486 25,234
Ares the Bold    Wonkaland
Dunarsund 6619 Ares the Bold Wonkaland 11,527,101 23,315
Ares the Bold    Wonkaland
East-Nagach 6608 Ares the Bold Wonkaland 10,866,706 23,245