8826 rank

1,803,112 points

6,445 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Eric The Great One    Jaded Realm
Arvahall 10338 Eric The Great One Jaded Realm 3,739,147 8,302
Eric The Great One    WHITE OWL
Cirgard 8917 Eric The Great One WHITE OWL 3,179,665 8,247
Eric The Great One    Racoon City
Brisgard 10016 Eric The Great One Racoon City 2,788,860 10,670
Eric The Great One    Free Builders
East-Nagach 9220 Eric The Great One Free Builders 2,700,841 8,523
Eric The Great One    Orange Crush
Dunarsund 9771 Eric The Great One Orange Crush 2,387,518 9,563
Eric The Great One    123
Rugnir 8826 Eric The Great One 123 1,803,112 6,445
Eric The Great One    Helping Hands
Xyr 9685 Eric The Great One Helping Hands 1,789,825 6,250
Eric The Great One    New Hope
Greifental 10826 Eric The Great One New Hope 933,538 1,911