1290 rank

212,593,274 points

57,327 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Iolanta 252 the Proud    Metaphysic StarGate
Rugnir 1290 Iolanta 252 the Proud Metaphysic StarGate 212,593,274 57,327
Iolanta 252 the Proud    ⚡️MisFits⚡️
Greifental 1443 Iolanta 252 the Proud ⚡️MisFits⚡️ 210,214,853 63,988
Iolanta 252 the Proud   
Sinerania 9501 Iolanta 252 the Proud 1,150,253 1,445
Iolanta 252 the Proud   
Uceria 11302 Iolanta 252 the Proud 543,457 683