5445 rank

12,044,256 points

5,991 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
DA2DAMS    all seeing
Rugnir 5445 DA2DAMS all seeing 12,044,256 5,991
Mount Killmore 6497 DA2DAMS KNIGHTS OF ALBION 11,142,792 4,714
DA2DAMS    Lets Go!!
Korch 6089 DA2DAMS Lets Go!! 10,074,001 4,305
DA2DAMS    5929uno
Uceria 6128 DA2DAMS 5929uno 9,166,721 3,947
DA2DAMS    Feel the Bern
Qunrir 6165 DA2DAMS Feel the Bern 8,822,130 4,461
DA2DAMS    Paigeoflife
Vingrid 6476 DA2DAMS Paigeoflife 7,185,733 3,384
DA2DAMS    Wasteland Wonderers
Carthage 3963 DA2DAMS Wasteland Wonderers 2,693,198 2,278