6828 rank

6,069,051 points

5,588 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
shs1    FreeLancers
Rugnir 6828 shs1 FreeLancers 6,069,051 5,588
shs1    Malice of War
Arvahall 9601 shs1 Malice of War 5,565,530 4,804
shs1    Knights of Honor
Cirgard 7958 shs1 Knights of Honor 5,403,960 3,148
shs1    The Great Forger
Uceria 7237 shs1 The Great Forger 5,230,943 6,310
shs1    Survivors
East-Nagach 8319 shs1 Survivors 4,715,562 3,765
shs1    Kingdom of Myrtana
Fel Dranghyr 7963 shs1 Kingdom of Myrtana 4,547,999 4,100
shs1    KATS
Korch 7768 shs1 KATS 4,408,901 2,835
shs1    Valhalla
Jaims 7891 shs1 Valhalla 4,281,751 2,962
shs1    Blue Wolves
Qunrir 7638 shs1 Blue Wolves 3,881,476 2,467
shs1    Glory
Noarsil 7770 shs1 Glory 3,467,585 3,174
shs1    United We Stand
Dunarsund 9281 shs1 United We Stand 3,186,158 2,932
shs1    The Houndsmen
Houndsmoor 13100 shs1 The Houndsmen 522,609 211
shs1    Fun!
Yorkton 15403 shs1 Fun! 100,013 106