12703 rank

285,939 points

406 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Aries the just    Bloodmoon
Cirgard 4504 Aries the just Bloodmoon 26,222,809 7,325
Aries the just    bloodmoon
Korch 12498 Aries the just bloodmoon 409,139 207
Aries the just    The Ring Wraiths
Qunrir 12593 Aries the just The Ring Wraiths 294,681 131
Aries the just    Wargames
Rugnir 12703 Aries the just Wargames 285,939 406
Aries the just    bloodmoon
Langendorn 13274 Aries the just bloodmoon 230,741 44
Aries the just    realm of emperors
Noarsil 13177 Aries the just realm of emperors 226,266 42