12137 rank

355,782 points

276 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Vesta 323 the Ravager   
Arvahall 16230 Vesta 323 the Ravager 452,945 367
Vesta 323 the Ravager    Brave Heart
Greifental 12700 Vesta 323 the Ravager Brave Heart 397,145 307
Vesta 323 the Ravager    Red Fish Blue Fish
Rugnir 12137 Vesta 323 the Ravager Red Fish Blue Fish 355,782 276
Vesta 323 the Ravager    The Red Keep
Odhrorvar 11975 Vesta 323 the Ravager The Red Keep 341,035 293
Vesta 323 the Ravager    The Forgers
Vingrid 12930 Vesta 323 the Ravager The Forgers 265,445 327
Vesta 323 the Ravager   
Cirgard 15709 Vesta 323 the Ravager 185,607 322