1542 rank

163,619,990 points

314,650 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Pyrrhos 255 the Bold    Iron Whisky
Jaims 18 Pyrrhos 255 the Bold Iron Whisky 3,782,511,058 1,239,326
Pyrrhos 255 the Bold    🔥🪓⚔️WuFu⚔️🪓🔥
Rugnir 1542 Pyrrhos 255 the Bold 🔥🪓⚔️WuFu⚔️🪓🔥 163,619,990 314,650
Pyrrhos 255 the Bold   
Noarsil 8573 Pyrrhos 255 the Bold 2,068,166 2,094