13691 rank

217,108 points

536 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Anewbus5    LEGENDS REBORN 🎊🏆
Rugnir 13691 Anewbus5 LEGENDS REBORN 🎊🏆 217,108 536
Anewbus5    Kamelot
Walstrand 16473 Anewbus5 Kamelot 53,970 118
Anewbus5    Land of 10,000 Kings
Qunrir 17228 Anewbus5 Land of 10,000 Kings 48,885 252
Anewbus5    The Calamity
Xyr 19677 Anewbus5 The Calamity 47,549 34
Dunarsund 20292 Anewbus5 45,092 133
Yorkton 19869 Anewbus5 24,353 108