10786 rank

672,801 points

1,469 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Nike 1659 the Just    BURTNETT
Rugnir 10786 Nike 1659 the Just BURTNETT 672,801 1,469
Nike 1659 the Just    BURTNETT
Qunrir 13524 Nike 1659 the Just BURTNETT 172,101 637
Nike 1659 the Just    BURTNETT
Zorskog 13415 Nike 1659 the Just BURTNETT 165,313 483
Nike 1659 the Just    TRASH
East-Nagach 16810 Nike 1659 the Just TRASH 88,915 436
Nike 1659 the Just    YOGURT
Korch 16312 Nike 1659 the Just YOGURT 73,813 391