4691 rank

18,257,159 points

2,735 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Iris 1663 the Vengeful    We The People
Rugnir 4691 Iris 1663 the Vengeful We The People 18,257,159 2,735
Iris 1663 the Vengeful   
Houndsmoor 13030 Iris 1663 the Vengeful 524,292 550
Iris 1663 the Vengeful    Army of the Taz
Arvahall 21534 Iris 1663 the Vengeful Army of the Taz 82,681 71
Iris 1663 the Vengeful    GEEZERS
Carthage 11073 Iris 1663 the Vengeful GEEZERS 54,932 89