4392 rank

20,972,854 points

27,776 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Livia 1758 the Red    Four Kings
Fel Dranghyr 3594 Livia 1758 the Red Four Kings 42,090,437 32,832
Livia 1758 the Red    Bridge 4. Kaladin
Dilmun 744 Livia 1758 the Red Bridge 4. Kaladin 35,565,374 31,748
Livia 1758 the Red    Quiet Honor
Xyr 4116 Livia 1758 the Red Quiet Honor 24,844,618 36,374
Livia 1758 the Red    Pirates of Rugnir
Rugnir 4392 Livia 1758 the Red Pirates of Rugnir 20,972,854 27,776