8973 rank

1,674,059 points

332 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
GoodJohnson    Moonsofpluto
Jaims 4755 GoodJohnson Moonsofpluto 19,491,869 2,971
GoodJohnson    smokerfriendly
Langendorn 8017 GoodJohnson smokerfriendly 3,264,983 658
GoodJohnson    Come join me
Fel Dranghyr 8591 GoodJohnson Come join me 3,108,103 432
GoodJohnson    The Crazy Train
Brisgard 10984 GoodJohnson The Crazy Train 1,798,809 419
GoodJohnson    Blue Moon
Arvahall 12181 GoodJohnson Blue Moon 1,772,258 457
GoodJohnson    sleepers
Rugnir 8973 GoodJohnson sleepers 1,674,059 332
GoodJohnson    🐱😺🐱
Dunarsund 10488 GoodJohnson 🐱😺🐱 1,671,128 367
GoodJohnson    Lazy Players
Walstrand 8534 GoodJohnson Lazy Players 1,625,832 309
GoodJohnson    dead and bloated
Birka 6204 GoodJohnson dead and bloated 1,586,547 277
GoodJohnson    For Ukraine
Korch 9534 GoodJohnson For Ukraine 1,568,167 346
GoodJohnson    The Stragglers
Cirgard 15620 GoodJohnson The Stragglers 203,988 127