13533 rank

196,091 points

701 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Reconais    No Higher Honor
Mount Killmore 15434 Reconais No Higher Honor 271,574 583
Reconais    The Forever Legion
Zorskog 12518 Reconais The Forever Legion 262,298 600
Reconais    Do what you want
East-Nagach 14620 Reconais Do what you want 253,214 709
Reconais    The beginners
Jaims 14226 Reconais The beginners 200,989 482
Reconais    Green Beret
Rugnir 13533 Reconais Green Beret 196,091 701
Reconais    Knights of Hazzard
Dilmun 5621 Reconais Knights of Hazzard 194,815 526
Reconais    Dog Pound
Dunarsund 19588 Reconais Dog Pound 46,908 313