11008 rank

657,270 points

1,337 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
mighty joe 12    Pax Ferox
Parkog 9873 mighty joe 12 Pax Ferox 980,013 1,193
mighty joe 12    The Guys of Noarsil
Noarsil 10173 mighty joe 12 The Guys of Noarsil 943,603 1,245
mighty joe 12    Hole in the Wall
Cirgard 11775 mighty joe 12 Hole in the Wall 875,785 1,556
mighty joe 12    FoEYoU
Xyr 11710 mighty joe 12 FoEYoU 802,618 1,165
mighty joe 12    Spooky Blue
Sinerania 10643 mighty joe 12 Spooky Blue 718,140 1,228
mighty joe 12    WeDrink&WeKnowThings
Rugnir 11008 mighty joe 12 WeDrink&WeKnowThings 657,270 1,337
mighty joe 12    Trade Winds
Qunrir 14033 mighty joe 12 Trade Winds 166,226 450