2317 rank

83,186,764 points

8,228 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Snooch to the Nooch    Lick-me
Cirgard 2408 Snooch to the Nooch Lick-me 93,153,975 9,381
Snooch to the Nooch    ShamokinCoalCrackers
Walstrand 2072 Snooch to the Nooch ShamokinCoalCrackers 89,126,094 8,713
Snooch to the Nooch    The Nights Watch
Rugnir 2317 Snooch to the Nooch The Nights Watch 83,186,764 8,228
Snooch to the Nooch    Beyond the Wall
Qunrir 2460 Snooch to the Nooch Beyond the Wall 80,510,802 7,801
Snooch to the Nooch    Deeznuts
Houndsmoor 2665 Snooch to the Nooch Deeznuts 79,692,102 8,354
Snooch to the Nooch    Nobody but me
Tuulech 2390 Snooch to the Nooch Nobody but me 76,007,103 7,209
Snooch to the Nooch    The Guild
Uceria 2525 Snooch to the Nooch The Guild 73,341,390 7,838