670 rank

459,470,728 points

85,193 battles

Rank Level Great Building Era FP FP Left FP Required
The Arc (The Future )   
301 139 The Arc The Future 1783 22254 24037
Statue of Zeus (Bronze Age )   
2176 105 Statue of Zeus Bronze Age 1539 3920 5459
Castel del Monte (Late Middle Ages )   
1216 115 Castel del Monte Late Middle Ages 0 9591 9591
Terracotta Army (Virtual Future )   
2322 103 Terracotta Army Virtual Future 0 12327 12327
Arctic Orangery (Arctic Future )   
2340 103 Arctic Orangery Arctic Future 0 11308 11308
Cathedral of Aachen (Early Middle Ages )   
2693 102 Cathedral of Aachen Early Middle Ages 0 5964 5964
Cape Canaveral (Postmodern Era )   
4012 100 Cape Canaveral Postmodern Era 0 8325 8325