11076 rank

608,512 points

731 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
marty l b    Wild Kittens
Langendorn 3896 marty l b Wild Kittens 34,640,780 5,272
marty l b    Kingdom of Jerusalem
Parkog 4475 marty l b Kingdom of Jerusalem 21,947,418 3,879
marty l b    Sherwood Forest
Korch 5208 marty l b Sherwood Forest 17,166,281 3,141
marty l b    Demonstritive Otters
Cirgard 11777 marty l b Demonstritive Otters 875,830 580
marty l b    Friendly Traders
Rugnir 11076 marty l b Friendly Traders 608,512 731
marty l b    Bad Wolf Corp
Walstrand 11288 marty l b Bad Wolf Corp 413,146 703