5017 rank

14,710,016 points

6,983 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Antigonus 652 the Bold   
Arvahall 6684 Antigonus 652 the Bold 15,795,737 7,151
Antigonus 652 the Bold   
Walstrand 4705 Antigonus 652 the Bold 15,197,445 6,968
Antigonus 652 the Bold   
Rugnir 5017 Antigonus 652 the Bold 14,710,016 6,983
Antigonus 652 the Bold   
Uceria 5223 Antigonus 652 the Bold 14,014,243 6,705
Antigonus 652 the Bold   
Cirgard 5787 Antigonus 652 the Bold 13,947,769 7,122
Antigonus 652 the Bold    All Saints Day
Qunrir 5299 Antigonus 652 the Bold All Saints Day 13,640,433 7,059