50 rank

2,693,754,983 points

653,074 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Protohuman    Fighting Unicorns
Sinerania 50 Protohuman Fighting Unicorns 2,693,754,983 653,074
Protohuman    1ST Auditors
Xyr 92 Protohuman 1ST Auditors 1,595,269,390 349,648
Protohuman    TheLeftovers
Noarsil 2349 Protohuman TheLeftovers 96,037,530 53,318
Protohuman    Sow Terror and Hate
Parkog 2255 Protohuman Sow Terror and Hate 92,087,278 47,832
Protohuman    Just chillin
Mount Killmore 3228 Protohuman Just chillin 62,107,573 46,307
Protohuman    $0L0
Uceria 3323 Protohuman $0L0 46,620,801 30,984