3335 rank

43,235,157 points

18,976 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Terat    Not active
Brisgard 564 Terat Not active 628,544,031 180,898
Terat    Not active
Sinerania 3335 Terat Not active 43,235,157 18,976
Terat    Diamond Federation
Uceria 5284 Terat Diamond Federation 14,493,582 8,089
Terat    The Roman Empire
Birka 3546 Terat The Roman Empire 11,217,106 8,067
Terat    Diamond farmers$!$
Langendorn 7079 Terat Diamond farmers$!$ 5,862,377 3,613
Carthage 3755 Terat 3,814,544 3,296