7770 rank

3,017,353 points

2,609 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Callisto 1114 the Red   
Langendorn 1361 Callisto 1114 the Red 197,167,102 119,223
Callisto 1114 the Red   
Mount Killmore 7507 Callisto 1114 the Red 7,271,788 6,128
Callisto 1114 the Red    Good Guys boot camp
Sinerania 7770 Callisto 1114 the Red Good Guys boot camp 3,017,353 2,609
Callisto 1114 the Red   
Houndsmoor 11708 Callisto 1114 the Red 882,098 987
Callisto 1114 the Red    Invincible
Qunrir 10435 Callisto 1114 the Red Invincible 777,497 945