12186 rank

383,266 points

437 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Callisto 1157 the Hunter   
Sinerania 12186 Callisto 1157 the Hunter 383,266 437
Callisto 1157 the Hunter   
Greifental 17774 Callisto 1157 the Hunter 53,871 154
Callisto 1157 the Hunter    ARES
Arvahall 23374 Callisto 1157 the Hunter ARES 53,284 78
Callisto 1157 the Hunter    Ruins of Time
Vingrid 17862 Callisto 1157 the Hunter Ruins of Time 43,236 96
Callisto 1157 the Hunter    New Phoenix
Dunarsund 21029 Callisto 1157 the Hunter New Phoenix 34,418 78