4675 rank

17,382,157 points

5,439 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
The High Jackel    English Phoenix
Cirgard 4076 The High Jackel English Phoenix 32,463,199 6,618
The High Jackel    Halen Knights
Brisgard 4957 The High Jackel Halen Knights 24,758,468 8,440
The High Jackel    The Donut Shoppe
Yorkton 3843 The High Jackel The Donut Shoppe 24,172,877 10,745
The High Jackel    The Shadow Rangers
Arvahall 6021 The High Jackel The Shadow Rangers 20,792,847 10,833
The High Jackel    Band of Misfits
Sinerania 4675 The High Jackel Band of Misfits 17,382,157 5,439
The High Jackel    The Donut Shoppe
Xyr 9124 The High Jackel The Donut Shoppe 2,345,965 3,202